Lancasterian Primary School

  • A safe and welcoming learning community where:
  • - we all aim high;
  • - everyone is included;
  • - creativity is valued.

    Homework and Learning Platforms

    Early Years Foundation Stage

    • Children’s observations and photographs will regularly be uploaded on to Tapestry online journals. Parents are encouraged to comment on their child’s Tapestry journal and share home observations and pictures with their child’s key person.
    • Parents will receive their child's next step for learning each term during parents evening. This will have a Maths and Literacy focus for children to work on at home.
    • In the Spring term, Reception children will be sent high frequency words fortnightly to practice.

    KS1 and 2

    • All children must read daily for at least 20 minutes. Weekly reading is recorded in a home Reading Record.
    • Reading, spellings and timetable or number bond practise is expected each week; this will be given in paper form.
    • Optional online homework will be set on the J2E platform. SEND and EAL children will have appropriate work assigned to them, according to their ability and needs.
    • Teachers may also give their classes occasional projects to complete across several weeks, relating to their current class topic or send home ad hoc tasks linked to in-school learning; this is with the aim of addressing misconceptions or recapping learning.
    • Y6 children may receive additional SATs practice work throughout the year.
    • Teachers will check homework completion each week and Dojos can be used as a reward; however, teachers are not expected to give written feedback on homework.
    Below are some videos to help you to access the online platforms we use.


    Please watch the following video to access your child’s homework on J2e. Their login details sticker is stuck in their Reading Record.


    Busy Things

    Please watch the following video to access Busy Things at home.



    Purple Mash

    Please watch the following video to access Purple Mash at home.