What is a PSA?
A PSA – Parents Staff Association – brings together parents/carers, staff and the local community to support the school and to raise funds.
Aims of the PSA
• To promote positive, close co-operation and communication between parents/carers and school staff for the benefit of pupils.
• To organise activities and events to support and enhance school provision.
• To enhance the education and wellbeing of pupils by providing or supporting the provision of facilities and resources through fundraising.
It is not the purpose of PSA to raise or discuss individual pupil or parent concerns. Such matters should be raised through the appropriate channels following school policies and guidelines.
School management/operational procedures such curriculum, timetabling, staff selection and appointment, school hours/holidays and budgetary management all fall outside the remit of PSA.
How is the PSA organised?
All parents/carers and staff are welcome to join the PSA, and the school Community Learning Leader plays a key role as the school liaison with the PSA. The PSA meets at the beginning of the school year to elect a chair, vice-chair and treasurer and then at various points throughout the year, according to need. Meetings are advertised through the school newsletter and ParentHub app. Smaller working groups are also set up to organise individual events which all parents/carers and staff are invited to support, regardless of whether or not they are regular PSA members.
What kinds of activities does the PSA get involved in?
The PSA is involved in a wide range of activities. This includes but is not limited to:
Communication and relationship building:
One of the primary roles of the PSA is to build strong relationships among staff, parents/carers, pupils and the community at large. Relationships are built through communications and events which give the community the opportunity to have fun together. The school newsletter provides one option for communication available to the PSA.
Social events:
School winter/summer fairs, international evenings and family sports events are all examples of the types of activities which help to foster positive relationships within the school community.
Academic Events:
Extra-curricular competitions and celebrations can encourage pupils in their learning and help parents/carers to better support their children.
PSAs helps raise much needed money by organising and managing various fundraising events and initiatives throughout the year. This may include fairs, cake sales, sponsored events and competitions. The money raised by the PSA is used to promote educational resources such as the school garden, sports equipment or ICT hardware.
How do the PSA and Senior Leadership Team (SLT) work together?
The school’s Community Learning Leader liaises between the PSA and the SLT to ensure that both parties are in agreement about planned activities and events and to facilitate support from the school for such activities when needed.
If you are interested in joining the PSA please email Katia: kcalamia.309@lgflmail.org