Lancasterian Primary School

  • A safe and welcoming learning community where:
  • - we all aim high;
  • - everyone is included;
  • - creativity is valued.

    In June 2023 we were thrilled to have our school’s achievements recognised by Ofsted, who stated, “Pupils here belong to a caring and inclusive school. They show respect and kindness towards each other and build positive, trusting relationships with staff. Leaders have established a set of values that are central to the life of the school. Pupils reflect these values in all that they do. Pupils enjoy coming to school. They are happy here… Leaders are providing pupils with a high-quality education. They show a strong commitment to the pupils and community they serve.”

    Ofsted judged our school as follows:
    Behaviour and Attitudes - OUTSTANDING
    Personal Development - OUTSTANDING
    Early Years Provision - OUTSTANDING
    Leadership and Management - OUTSTANDING
    Quality of Education - GOOD
    Overall Effectiveness - GOOD