Summer Term
Sum 1: 5 weeks
Sum 2: 7.5 weeks
Tues 22nd April
Earth Day
Tues 22nd April
Stephen Lawrence Day
Wed 30th April (1pm)
L&M Governor Meeting
Wed 7th May (5pm)
QoE Governor Meeting
Wk beg 12th May
Wed 14th May (5pm)
PDBA Governor Meeting
Thurs 22nd May (5pm)
Full Governing Body Meeting
Wk beg 26th May
Half term
Throughout June
Relationship & Sex Education Parent Meetings
Sun 1st June – Tues 3rd June
Shavuot (Jewish observance)
Mon 2nd June – Fri 13th June
Y4 Multiplication Tables Check
Fri 6th June/Sat 7th June
Eid-Al-Adha (Muslim Observance)
Wk beg 9th June
Phonics screening
Wk beg 16th June
Work Week
Wed 18th June
Reception stay and play – meeting new parents
Sat 21st June
King’s birthday
Wed 25th June
Nursery stay and play – meeting prospective parents
Fri 27th June
Rainbow Day (Refugee Week, Windrush Day, Pride)
Wk beg 30th June
Assessment week
Thurs 3rd July
Parent/Carer SED Coffee Morning
Fri 4th July
International Mud Day
Fri 4th July
Summer Fayre
Mon 7th July and following week
Reports home and informal parents/carers meetings
Wk Beg 7th July
Staying Safe Week (include internet safety)
Thurs 10th July
Sports Day
Mon 14th July
Teacher swap morning
Wed 16th July
Effort and Achievement Evening
Thurs 17th July
Y6 leavers’ prom
Fri 18th July
Y6 leavers’ assembly
From Weds 23rd July
Summer holidays