Lancasterian Primary School

  • A safe and welcoming learning community where:
  • - we all aim high;
  • - everyone is included;
  • - creativity is valued.
    Meet the Governors

    School governors are people who want to make a positive contribution to children’s education. Governors are one of the largest volunteer forces in the country and have an important part to play in raising school standards. The role of the governing body is absolutely key to the effectiveness of a school.

    Time and time again Ofsted (the national inspection body for schools) has noted that the most effective schools demonstrate effective leadership and management - including by the governing board. School governors provide strategic leadership and accountability in schools. Governors appoint the headteacher and deputy headteacher. It is governors who hold the main responsibility for finance in schools, and it is governors who work with the headteacher to make the tough decisions about balancing resources.  Parents are well represented on our governing body and all parents are notified when a vacancy for parent governor arises.

    Each individual governor is a member of a governing body, which is established in law as a corporate body. Individual governors may not act independently of the rest of the governing body; decisions are the joint responsibility of the governing body.  The role of the governing body is a strategic one, its key functions are to:

    • set the aims and objectives for the school
    • set the policies for achieving those aims and objectives
    • set the targets for achieving those aims and objectives
    • monitor and evaluate the progress the school is making towards achievement of its aims and objectives
    • be a source of challenge and support to the head teacher (a critical friend)


    Current Governors


    Chair of Governors and Parent Governor

    Daniel Rudd

    2/11/2020 - 1/11/2024

    Vice Chair of Governors and Local Authority Governor

    Lavern Gilzene

    12/9/2023 – 11/9/2025

    Parent Governor

    Mahdi Hastie

    2/11/2022 – 27/5/2026

    Parent Governor

    Elizabeth Thonemann

    16/11/2023 – 15/11/2027

    Parent Governor

    Dorota Scibior-Bentkowska

    25/5/2023 – 24/5/2027

    Co-opted Governor

    Sanjeet Bojnaouth

    12/10/2020 - 11/10/2024

    Co-opted Governor

    Dawn Woodcock

    16/11/2022 – 15/11/2024

    Co-opted Governor

    Raeesah Willams

    1/11/2021 - 31/10/2025

    Co-opted Governor



    Co-opted Governor



    Staff Governor

    Robert Crump

    2/11/2020 - 1/11/2024


    Paul Murphy


     Associate Members


    Associate Member

    * Eoin Robertson (Business Manager)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    * Gemma Horgan (Pastoral Care Manager)

    16/11/5/2022 – 15/11/2024

    Associate Member

    * Charlotte Clinton (DHT)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    * Julia Ryan (AHT EYFS)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    * Doy Owino-Townsend (Co-AHT Inclusion)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    *Zubeyde Aydemir (Co-AHT Inclusion)

    12/9/2023 – 11/9/2025

    Associate Member

    * Fatma Tumburi (Community Learning Leader)

    12/9/2023 – 11/9/2025

    Associate Member

    * Sam Judge (Site Manager)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    * Ali Solmaz (Parent)

    26/5/2022 - 25/5/2024

    Associate Member

    *Tom Aldred

    12/9/2023 -11/9/2025

    Historic (Left within last 12 months)


    Co-opted Governor

    Anne Baxendale

    9/11/2016 - 16/11/2023

    Co-opted Governor

    Jeannie McTavish

    16/9/2021 – 15/9/2023

    Local Authority Governor

    Tom Aldred

    11/9/2019 -10/9/2023

    Parent Governor

    Susie Lenette

    2/11/2020 – 25/5/2023

    Associate Member

    Kamelia Johnson

    25/11/2015 - 16/12/2022

    Co-opted Governor

    Megan Royal-Jacob

    25/11/2015 - 16/12/2022

    Associate Member

    Chanelle Dufus-Brown

    05/06/2021 - 16/12/2022

    Quality of Education Committee Members:

    Dawn Woodcock

    Charlotte Clinton*

    Robert Crump - Chair

    Doy Owino-Townsend*

    Paul Murphy - Head Teacher

    Daniel Rudd – Vice Chair

    Mahdi Hastie

    Julia Ryan*

    Dorota Scibior-Bentkowska


    Personal Development Behaviour and Attitudes Committee Members:

    Raeesah Williams – Chair & Safeguarding Specialist

    *Charlotte Clinton

    Paul Murphy - Head Teacher 

    *Ali Solmaz

    Lavern Gilzene

    *Zubeyde Aydemir

    *Gemma Horgan

     Elizabeth Thonemann

    Leadership and Management Committee Members:

    *Tom Aldred

    *Eoin Robertson        

     *Fatma Tumburi

    *Sam Judge

    Paul Murphy - Head Teacher

    Sanjeet Bonaouth - Vice Chair 

    Quality of Education Committee

    The remit of the committee is to:

    • Monitor pupil achievement, ensuring strong progress across the school to ensure end of key stage attainment is at least in line with national averages.
    • Oversee the full, effective and ambitious application of the Lancasterian Approach to Learning to deliver the National Curriculum, meeting the needs of all pupils at Lancasterian Primary School through carefully considered intent and implementation and ongoing monitoring of impact.
    • Monitor teaching staff deployment, subject-knowledge and skills to ensure that teaching and learning are consistently at least good and frequently outstanding across the school.
    • Monitor teaching support staff deployment, subject-knowledge, and skills to ensure consistently high-quality support and intervention across the school.
    • Review improvements in the achievement of underperforming groups, including those working above age related expectations, ensuring that Pupil Premium funding is used to best effect.
    • Scrutinise the effectiveness of assessment and target setting systems, including PAGs (Pupil Attainment Grids), tests and Target Tracker and the principles underpinning the school’s approach to assessment and target setting.
    Personal Development, Behaviour and Attitudes Committee

    The remit of the committee is to:

    • Scrutinise safeguarding systems, procedures and records, including effective work with outside agencies, the school’s response to the Prevent agenda and assurance of no off-rolling of pupils.
    • Ensure pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural (SMSC) development is promoted, including the development of all pupils as ambassadors of the school’s values and wider Fundamental British Values.
    • Oversee provision of pastoral support in the school, ensuring that it is effective in removing barriers to learning, promoting good physical and mental health and well-being and enabling children to focus on learning.
    • Ensure high standards of behaviour for learning and positive attitudes towards learning, including:
      • consistency in the application of effective and fair whole school behaviour policy at all levels, with few or no exclusions;
      • the promotion of supportive and inclusive peer relations; and
      • the effectiveness of the school’s responses to bullying issues.
    • Monitor the development of pupils’ self-discipline and their ability to keep themselves healthy and safe (including online).
    • Monitor the quality of PSHE, Citizenship, RSE and Prevent provision within the curriculum.
    • Ensure children have access to high quality extra-curricular enrichment activities in order to develop their interests and talents.
    • Check pupil aspirations for their own future and that the school is helping to prepare them for next steps through careers guidance.
    • Monitor progress towards achieving attendance and lateness targets.
    • Oversee the school's approach to racial equality and the achievement of children of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) heritage.
    Leadreship and Management Committee

    The remit of the committee is to:

    • Oversee the effective ongoing implementation of ambitious school vision and values within a supportive, cohesive and high performing school culture.
    • Monitor the ambition and tenacity of senior and middle leadership in taking the school to outstanding.
    • Ensure that all staff are led and managed effectively in the best interests of the children, including:
      • compliance with relevant staffing and recruitment processes
      • staff structure and deployment;
      • effective performance management systems;
      • high quality staff development and training;
      • appropriate workload; and
      • positive staff well-being.
    • Ensure effective deployment of financial resources, including:
      • overseeing financial performance and compliance
      • budget setting and monitoring
      • achieving value for money
      • the use of pupil premium, SEND and sports funding
    • Oversee and monitor premises development, maintenance and repair, ensuring all appropriate health and safety checks and tests, and emergency procedures are in place.
    • Monitor the inclusion of the wider school community – especially parents/carers – in ensuring that Lancasterian Primary School children achieve highly.